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Everhide Rockstar Series Boxset Books 4-6Everhide Box Set - Books 3-6


Rockstar Romance With All The Feels

Are you ready to bring the series home? More heart-wrenching rock star stories that will claim you. They'll rip your heart to pieces, but the rips will feel oh so good.

If you like emotional stories that will leave a mark on your heart - you'll love the Everhide Rock Star Series.

Boxset includes:

1. REGRET - The Price of Truth
Regret kissing my best friend? Hell no. Regret losing my best friend? Hell yes. Drummer Hayden's life is in turmoil and in drastic need of change. But will leaving his roommate, Lexi, and New York, deliver the break he so desparetely needs?

2. REWIND - The Price of Fate
After losing their first child, the fear of loss had been embedded into Hunter's soul. But Kara wanted another baby. Is he prepared to venture down that path again or is the past about to be set on repeat?

3. RETUNED - The Price of Time.
Gemma and Kyle wanted a quick getaway before they recorded their new album. But one fateful mistake changes their lives forever. Heartbreaking decisions must be made. Friendships will be tried and tested. When faced with heart-wrenching choices, will all of Everhide survive the outcome?

Grab the tissues and be prepared for an emotional conclusion to the Everhide Rockstar Romance Series

The full Everhide Series

0.5 ROCKED - The Price of Dreams
1. RIPPED - The Price of Loyalty
2. RUINED - The Price of Play
3. RAPT - The Price of Love
4. REGRET - The Price of Truth
5. REWIND - The Price of Fate
6. RETUNED - The Price fo Time






Books in Series


ROCKED Final 400Ripped 400 2021RUINED 800 RAPT 400 


EverhideBoxSet AMZ v3

 EverhideBoxSet Books3 6 800

